Notices – 1st December 2024 – 1st Sunday of Advent
Sunday 1st December at 3pm – Blue Christmas Service
Heacham Parish Church
A service of remembrance, light and hope for those who are bereaved
All welcome
For more information:
Revd Veronica Wilson 01485 570697
Christmas is coming and very soon we will be caught up in the preparations for it. It is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ with your family and church family. But for many bereaved families it is also the time of year when you remember the ones in your lives who died, relatives or friends. This service is a chance to take some time out to reflect, grieve and remember those we have lost, before Christmas Day. It will help how much grief intrudes on Christmas Day. All those who have been bereaved, whether it is recently or in the past are welcome as are other family members or friends. This year is especially poignant as several members of our church family have died and we might want to take time out to grieve for them.
Please pick up posters, or flyers in church to give out to those who you know might appreciate this service.
December 2024 Services
1st December – Holy Communion.
8th December – Holy Communion with Baptism & Confirmation
15th December – Morning Worship
22nd December – Holy Communion
29th December – Morning Worship
In the week we have:
Thursday 5th December – Bereavement group from 10am to 12noon at Pine Mall Hall.
Other Notices:
Heacham Coronation Bell
We wanted to let you know that our new bell will be rung for the 1st time on Sunday 1st December from 9.35am. Everyone is welcome to come up to the churchyard to listen. It will then be rung as a call to worship before Sunday and other services in church – (not for the 11.30pm Midnight Service on Christmas Eve). Church Christmas Decorations – Help needed please
The arrangers will soon be putting their heads together to decorate our church for Christmas. We would be very grateful for any donations please to help with our arrangements. If you would like to help in this way please see Sue Bird. Many Thanks.
Light a lantern in your window
This year our Advent and Christmas theme is LIGHT, and we are encouraging everyone to put a light, or lantern or candles or a lamp in your window, from 1st December to bring light to Heacham in this season.
At the recent Light party, many people made lanterns and we look forward to seeing photos of these lit in windows around the village. We plan to make a ‘lantern Christmas tree’ if you would like your lantern or light to feature on the tree please send a photo of it to: by 12th December.
Church Clean and Clear
A huge thank you to those who helped clean, dust, sort, tidy, polish etc on Wednesday... The church looks great for the start of Advent.
Sunday 8th December 10am: CONFIRMATION
We welcome Bishop Jane to Heacham Parish Church on 8th December to confirm Tim and Michelle. Please do come to the service (in church or online) to support Tim and Michelle, and to celebrate together this step of faith for both of them.
Music in December
December is going to be a busy month! We need as many folk as possible to lead/play the music. Our first short rehearsal is this Sunday 24th November after the morning service. Do come along and bring a friend. Most music is well known and loved.
Any problem please speak to Adrian (571102) or Alison or Hilary.
Village Candlelit Carol Service - Rehearsals
St Mary’s Church would like to invite anyone who is interested to sing, or play a musical instrument for the Village Candlelit Carol Service on 15th December 2024.
The rehearsal dates for singers/players are:
All Fridays at 2.30pm in the Church, 29th November, 6th December and 13th December and
Saturday 7th December at 2.30pm (prior to the Baptism/Confirmation service on 8th December) and Sunday 15th December at 2.30pm in the church (prior to the Village Candlelit Carol Service).
Please contact Adrian Flower on 01485 571102 for further details on the above.
Pocahontas Players Pantomime
It’s Panto time again with our Pocahontas Players in Ginger Ella, written by Sharon Yates, at Heacham Public Hall, Station Road. There are four performances as follows.
Thursday 16th January 7.30pm
Friday 17th January 7.30pm
Saturday 18th January at 2pm & 7.30pm
Tickets are £10
To book your tickets please call Janice on 01485 570402 or Jim on 01485 571267
Planned Giving
Many of our worshippers support the work of the Parish financially through regular planned giving. If you don't yet, please do - ideally using the Parish Giving Scheme. It is really easy to do. Just visit and search for " Heacham St Mary"
OR A Parish Giving Form can be collected from Heacham Parish Church or from the church office. For any further information see Liz.
Heacham churches together are putting on a Carol service at the 4 care homes in Heacham and would invite you to join in singing at some of the services. Times and dates as follows:-
Monday 16th December 10.30am at Fridhem; 11.15am at Millbridge
Tuesday 17th December 10.30am at Rebecca Court; 11.15am Summerville
If you’re able to let Steve know if you can join on any of these services, please speak directly to him or contact Steve on 07501 461909
Special Advent & Christmas Services
1st December: Advent 1 – 10am Holy Communion. The intention is for the Coronation Bell to be rung as a call to worship for the first time.
1st December: 3pm Blue Christmas. A reflective service for all who are bereaved. Please see more details above.
15th December: Advent 3 – 6pm Carols by Candlelight
22nd December: Advent 4 – 3pm Christingle
24th December: Christmas Eve – 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion
25th December: Christmas Day – 10am Holy Communion
Morning Prayer - Monday to Friday, at 9am
Morning Prayer follows Morning Prayer from the Northumbrian Community Celtic Prayer
It takes place on Zoom on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am. On Tuesday and Thursday morning Celtic Prayer will be in Church, in the Chancel, at 9am. Everyone welcome: contact Andrew Pearson (
Other Regular Dates for your Diary
1st Thursday every month – Bereavement Support Group,
10am at Pine Mall Hall
2nd Wednesday of each month – 10.30am Heacham Methodist
Holy Communion
Once a month on a Tuesday in Church - 10am Chit Chat & Coffee
Church Contacts:
Rev. Veronica Wilson tel. 01485 570697 email:
Church Office Garry Langham tel. 01485 572539
Office usually open Tues 9-12, Wed 2-5 and Fri 9-1
Church Wardens: Liz Dormer-Ainge 01485 571662
Chris Wright 07525 175361